Mercy F*uck Page 20
Gadget and Camo had us over for a barbecue recently, and though I liked them, these were not folks we’d take trips with. In truth, Camo scared the shit out of me and I didn’t need her giving Drew any fucking ideas either.
Watching her stuff her duffel bag, I stare at her perfect ass knowing one thing as truth down to my very soul. Nearly ten years ago, I was Drew’s mercy fuck and I couldn’t be more pleased about it. Because the fact is, I was and always will be at her mercy. “Foxy’s really not happy with you,” she says on a laugh.
No, he wasn’t happy, he was pissed I’d sold my business/his business to an assassin. He’d also get the hell over it. Whisky was born to hunt and my place was by her side.
“Foxy will deal,” I say pulling her to me by her hips. “You, however, need to hurry the hell up, I want to set sail before sunset.”
“You realize it’s not a sail boat right?” she asks grinding on me.
“Yeah, but I’ve always wanted to say set sail.”
“You’re cute,” she chirps shaking her head.
“As your man, security advisor, and future husband, I’m more than cute. I’m anxious to get you on that boat, naked, and hearing my name carry on the water.”
Facing me, her face softens and she says so fucking sweet, “I’ll be a good wife to you, Axle.”
“You’re a good everything to me now, Drew.”
“We’re in tune,” she says stroking my cheek.
“Yeah,” I say tilting her head back. “We’re in tune.”
After kissing the hell out of her, I spank her ass and grab her bag so we can take our first vacation ever, together.
I was also captaining that Regal, even if I had to tie her to the fucking helm while protecting my nuts to do it.
As far as I was concerned, we still had unfinished business and we had the rest of our lives to sort through it.
“You okay, boss?” Fudge asked as I uncharacteristically squirmed behind the bar.
No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t stay still and I probably looked like I was seizing. Between biting my lip, sweating, and my eyes rolling back, there was no doubt. I was losing this bet.
Oh wait, I was losing this bet with a fucking audience.
“I’m chill,” I lied.
Slapping my hand down on the bar and groaning, “Oh God,” I squeezed my eyes shut and begged him to, “Get back to work, now.”
“You sick?” he asked cocking his head.
Wait, was he…smiling?
Well, if he didn’t leave, this was going to embarrass both of us… Pushing my knees together wasn’t helping, counting sheep didn’t either. Slapping both hands on the bar in defeat, I ordered him to, “Look away! Look -A-Way!”
“The hell is your problem?”
“Oh no no no,” I wailed but there was no helping it. My orgasm hit me from all sides and I had no choice but to go with it. Uncaring of the wide eyes wondering what the hell was wrong with me, I rode it out, moaned a few fuck yeses, shuddered and possibly let a tear fall. I was sliding to the floor in a heap when I heard, “Pay up, motherfucker.”
Glancing up, I see Axle grinning down at me in victory as he tucks cash into his shirt pocket.
“You fucking told Fudge?”
“Made two hundred bucks, too,” he shrugged shamelessly.
As he walked away whistling, I couldn’t help but be proud.
Because, let’s face it, there were worse things in the world than wearing vibrating panties to work so your man could place bets on how long you’d last. Axle and his unfinished business was absolutely my favorite kind.
Of all the times for shit to hit the fan, it had to be tonight, while I was wearing a dress and heels.
I was stuck in stilettos because Carrie insisted her wedding reception be where she and Tiny met.
The Hole had re-opened for business last Friday.
Despite the cold weather, we were at max capacity.
Based on the explosive vibe I was getting from the crowd; they were happy to be back.
Relieving me of three bottles of tequila, Shane knelt down to stock the cooler when I heard, “Drew, is that you?”
Tossing a bar rag over my shoulder, I face the voice and ask, “Do I know you?”
“Ha! It is you! I’d know that ass anywhere,” he announces and this was met with rut roh looks. “I saw you on the news and heard you worked here. Thought I’d stop by, like old times.”
“She owns this place, fuckstick, show some respect,” Shane says in passing.
That’s my boy!
“I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage, sugar,” I smile as I press my tits to the bar top. “You know my name but I don’t know yours.”
“Mike Roach,” he says licking his lips. “Come on, you gotta remember me. Axle and I were best friends.”
“Oh Mike, riiight,” I say slowly as it dawns on me. “The narcissistic puppy-fucker.”
“What’s that?” he yells over the noise.
“Why are you here?”
“So uh, you see Axle around lately?” he asks leaning in closer.
“Can’t say that I’ve seen him…” In the last twenty minutes.
“Good ‘cause the last time I saw that guy he was kicking my ass for calling you a mercy fuck. Never got that since he said it first but, then again, he was always crazy when it came you.”
As he babbled, I tried real hard not to bash his face off the wood. No matter what, Axle always had my back and hearing he’d worked Mike over had me wanting to thank him with a blowy.
My man is the sweetest!
When I look back on those years, I now see through my woman’s eyes that Axle Rhodes would have never hurt me. Was in fact, incapable of hurting me. But I didn’t dwell there too long because I had my future to look forward to.
“—-ten years, right?”
“Huh, what?” I ask tuning back in. “Why are you still talking?”
“You know, I didn’t believe it. But if it’s true, I can look past it if you can.”
Can’t kill him…Beat him with Woody! Grand slam his ball-sac!
I was so close to taking a heel off and sticking him in the eye with it, when Axle strode up behind him and…loomed.
Oh, this was going to be awesome!
“You’d really do that for me?” I coo at the idiot and even suck on my pinky finger.
“To finally get inside of you, fuck yeah.”
“Gee, I don’t know Mike… I mean it’s really selfless of you taking a mercy fuck for the team and all, but there might be one person who’d object to that.”
“Whoever he is, ain’t here,” he says staring at my tits, ignorant of the threat.
Leaning in to whisper in Mike’s ear but never taking his eyes from mine Axle growls, “Wanna bet?”
“Ooo,” I say sucking in a breath. “You’re about to have a really bad night but please, I am begging you. Don’t piss on my floors.” Mike wasn’t hearing a word I said because he was too busy catching flies with his mouth.
Tagging my Mike around his neck, Axle sinks a blow to his middle instantly bending him over at the knees.
From my position behind the bar, I can’t hear what he’s saying but my imagination had come up with all sorts of things. All about me, of course…
Shane stood next to me and asked, “He gonna kill ‘em?”
Shrugging, I went with, “Hope so.”
Now in a headlock with his arms flailing around, Axle yells to me, “Grab Woody,” and nods over to the back door.
“Yes!” I shout giving Shane a high-five. “Cover me, kid!”
Grabbing my bat, I push the door open with my ass and strut out to Axle beating Mike’s ass up and down the alley.
Okay fine, he wasn’t beating him.
More like playing with him, with a side of pain.
“What’d I tell you about looking at her?” Axle warns right as he lands a stunner to the chin.
“I d-didn’t know she was yours,” he pleads
“Told you she was, made it fucking clear,” he says landing another one.
“That was years ago, how was I supposed – ”
“She will always be mine!”
He was getting so laid later…
“Psst,” I call out try getting his attention and when he turns, the ferocity on his face had my knees trembling.
Amendment: I was getting fucked later. Boom!
Coming to his side, not bothering to even look at Mike I ask him, “What did you need Woody for?”
“You owe this motherfucker a swing or two.”
“Oh my God—do you—is this—are we—Ha! Yes! Tag Team!”
“Drew,” he tries hiding his chuckle, then switches to a groan.
“He passed out,” he says and I glanced down right as he dropped him on the concrete. When he went splat, we both sighed in disappointment.
“Want me to take the trash out?” Shane asks from the door.
“Yeah,” Axle says pulling me into his arms. “Oh and any cash you find on his person belongs to you for the trouble.”
“Nice!” Shane says approaching Mike and rolling him to his back where he proceeded to clean him out.
“It’s my wedding day!” Carrie says coming out to join us. With her hands on her hips she huffs, “Who’s he?”
Tagging my neck and giving me a squeeze, Axle replies, “Just some asshole from the past.”
“Lemme guess,” she says kneeling next to him and searching for the wallet Shane already pilfered. “He wanted to get in Drew’s pants.”
“Something like that,” I chuckle at the absurdity of the situation and the odds of that happening.
“Can’t blame him,” she shrugs standing up. “If I wasn’t a married woman I’d – ”
“Babe,” Tiny calls from the door. “No hitting on your boss.”
“And your maid of honor,” I felt like adding.
“You could let me get in a feelski as my wedding present,” she says openly staring at my rack.
“I gave you a gift, bridezilla, it’s called an open bar.”
“Fine,” she grunts heading for Tiny who ushers her back inside.
Suddenly pinned to the wall, Axle groans in my ear while I worked to free his cock, “Those heels, fuck. I could be in you if I just moved – ”
“Still here guys,” Shane calls out and we both stop our pre-wall-bang warm up. Not that Shane was home with us a lot due to school, work, and friends. But when he was we did a stellar job of, and I’m quoting the kid here; burning my retinas and making my ears bleed.
“Three words,” I say zipping him back up and adjusting my tits. “E-lope-ment.”
“One word,” he says raising my chin. “When?”
Tuning in to Axle was as automatic to me as breathing.
Knowing him as long as I had, I was certain that I knew every one of his expressions.
But this was one I hadn’t seen before.
However, it was no less beautiful than the others because this Axle was…at peace.
Wrapping my arms around his neck, I ask him, “Are you busy tomorrow?”
American Bad Ass by Kid Rock
My Girl by The Temptations
Killing In The Name by Rage Against The Machine
The Search Is Over by Survivor
Sorry by Justin Bieber
Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leppard
Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley
K.S. Adkins is a full-time everything. When I'm not wifing, mothering or being bossy, I'm reading, writing or shooting. A full-time realtor, lifelong Michigander and all around lover of all things guns and Detroit, I believe in freedom of foul language, gratuitous nudity, tattoos and mosh pits. I've recently taken up drinking wine and feel like I'm really making progress with it. I think my chances at finding a place within the Romance genre is 50/50, but I suck at numbers so what do I know?
My stories are written with heavy dialogue and are Detroit-based. If you don't like heavy dialogue or Detroit, don't read my stories. My characters are typically dark and fairly fucked up so if you want sappy characters without issues, don't read my stories.
I love violence, guns, blood, naughty words, awkward sex, rap, metal, and untraditional people. Every fight scene was tried and tested by me. I have the bruises to prove it too.
I write romance, but my characters are not always romantic. Each is a work in progress. My stories are about strong women and the alphas who try to tame them but never do.
At the end of the day, you may not like my stories, you may also think I suck as an author and that's okay, but I have to tell you, I had the best fucking time writing them and for me, that's what it's all about.
I love new likes so hit me up on Facebook @ K.S. Adkins or Twitter @ Hoodwrites and let me know if you loved it or hated it. ♥
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