Mercy F*uck Read online

Page 17

  But fuck, she had no issues blurting shit out.

  So when they asked her where she got the firearm, she told them it was a gift from her grandfather and gladly shared where she hid it. I swear to God when she admitted to watching videos on how to make bombs, I almost shit myself. She wasn’t just a crazy bitch, she was a resourceful crazy bitch.

  Drew stuck close to Shane who needed the comfort while hearing his mom’s crimes against a woman he cared very much for. The kid looked ready to pass out and I couldn’t blame him. When she wasn’t smiling, she was highlighting all the ways she planned to kill Drew, punish Shane, and torture Willis. I kept waiting for Willis to tell her to shut the fuck up but he never did. He was as afraid of her as Shane was, which I did not understand. Then again, I didn’t understand anything about abuse and never would.

  Reaching for my hand, Drew pulls me to her side and rests her head on my chest.

  We were silent as they stood her up to take her in. But it was Shane who spoke up first. Approaching his mom, he says, “Hear, my son, your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching. Proverbs 1:8.”

  With a smile splitting her face she praises, “You heard! You know the word!”

  Dropping his eyes to his feet and turning his back on her he whispers, “I did, you don’t.”

  Then he found his way back to Drew who pulled him to her side putting him safely between us.

  Willis did not follow his wife outside but he approached his son and I watched Drew tighten her grip.

  She did not want to let him go.

  “I’m sorry,” he says hoarsely. “I failed her.” Only worried about your wife? Fucker!

  “We failed her,” Shane says and that shit sounded rehearsed.

  “We’re going to go,” Drew says softly. “The room is still yours if you want it.”

  “I’ll think about it.”

  “Okay, Shane,” she says, letting him go and wrapping her arms around my waist to hide the loss.

  “Willis,” I say getting his attention. “You have until morning to drop all charges against Drew.”

  “It will be done,” he says looking at her. “I thought with enough time I could fix her. I couldn’t bring myself to have my wife arrested for domestic violence.”

  “Fucking shame too,” Drew says angrily. “Instead, you left her to abuse your son.”

  “It’s not that simple.”

  “I imagine you didn’t want the ridicule, being a cop getting roughed up by his own wife but abuse is abuse, male or female, cop or not. I’m really sorry you lived with that, but I’m pissed off you left your son to live with it too. That female needs more than Jesus, Willis. She needs a white room without a door.”

  “I tried warning you,” he says with downcast eyes. “I failed at that too. Thank you, Drew, for protecting my boy.”

  “Whatever,” she says turning away and nodding her goodbye to Shane. Following her out to my truck, I demand to know, “Are you good to drive?” before letting her go.


  “We’re going to the house, no pit stops.”




  “You ran again.”

  And when she closed her eyes in pain, I turned away heading toward the Impala.

  Back at home, I tried giving myself some time to calm down, but for every phone call she took I found that I was more worked up. Fuck no, I wasn’t calm. I was fuming. Snagging her phone and tossing it, I let her know, “Work can wait.”

  “You’re right.”

  “Now you’re all about listening to me?”

  “I wasn’t not listening to you, Axle.”

  “You tuned me out, Drew,” I roar in anger. “When you left this house to go to Shane, when you did not call me, you fucking tuned me out.”

  “That wasn’t what – ”

  “You ran! Straight into fucking trouble and you did not even consider me!”

  “It wasn’t that I didn’t consider you,” she pleads for my understanding. “It was that with Willis at the station, I didn’t consider going there alone dangerous.”

  “Then why take a gun?”

  “Because I can?” she says trying to be cute, then sobers. “Once I saw Shane I forgot I had it. I wanted to kill her with my hands, not a bullet.”

  Groaning in frustration, I simply ask her, “Do you want a future with me?”

  Like I’d struck her, she rears back and I watch her bottom lip tremble. “How can you ask me that?”

  “Answer me.”

  “Yes,” she cries out. “Of course I do.”

  “You ever run from me again, love of my life or not, I won’t chase you. I will tune you out for good.”

  Staring at me with total hurt and a lot of confusion, I take her face in my hands and grate out, “You could have died, Drew. That woman planned to kill you. You got lucky, too fucking lucky and I already lost you once so I am not okay with the lone wolf shit. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes,” she whispers and I see her lip tremble. “I understand you.”

  “Good,” I say leaning in for a kiss when there was a fucking knock on my door. “Whoever it is, I’ll get rid of them. We’re not done yet.”

  When her breath hitched and tears filled her eyes, I ignored the door and took her into my arms. “What’s wrong?”

  “That’s what you said to me nine years ago.”

  “Meant it then, mean it now, Drew.”

  Nodding, she gets up on her toes and kisses me hard. “Okay, Axle.”

  I had a feeling I wasn’t the only man who loved a woman and wanted to throttle her all at once.

  If I knew anything it was that life with Drew wouldn’t be boring.

  “You miss The Hole,” he said resting his head on my stomach.

  “I do.”

  “Like you said, it can be rebuilt,” he said soothingly.

  “Not to its former glory though,” I whispered which saddened me the most. “That building has been through a riot, a recession, and was brought low by a bible thumping bomb maker.”

  Filed under the tab of shit I did not need right now was Carrie’s unannounced visit.

  For a woman who managed to obtain a teaching degree, which took brains, she didn’t take hints very well.

  Tiny, for his part, needed to find a backbone and use it. Being led around by his dick wasn’t working for me or Axle. We’d just had this intense moment, one I was still reeling from and now I’ve got Carrie staring me down.

  Axle’s warnings did not faze her, neither did Tiny’s, and after the day I’ve had, anything I said would not be nice. Seriously, if she pushed me I might slap her.

  You don’t want to slap her. Wanna bet?

  “Explain to me why you’re here,” I say crossing my arms. “And make it quick.”

  “Right,” she smiles happily oblivious to the tension. “I know a guy.”

  Throwing my arms out in frustration, I growl, “And?”

  “And can you stop glaring at me, it’s freaking me out.”

  “Get to the fucking point, Carrie.”

  “Okay okay,” she huffs. “His name is Mitchell Hayes and – ”

  “You know Mitchell Hayes?”

  “I just said I did,” she counters sticking her hip out. Jesus, if I didn’t know any better I’d say I was wearing off on her. “For years actually, and recently I taught his kids.”

  “Go on…”

  “His kids are a little wild but I blame their mother…”

  “For fuck’s sake woman, put me out of my misery.”

  “You’re kind of a bitch today, Drew.”

  “Five seconds,” Axle grunts in warning. “Before I toss both your asses out the front door.”

  “Carrie,” Tiny pleads. “We rehearsed this, stick to the script.”

  “Fine. I called him a few days ago and asked him if he was interested in restoring The Hole. He’s interested.”

  “That’s it?”
  “Well yeah, considering you won’t let me work from my script.”

  As hard as I tried not to laugh, I couldn’t help it. Seriously, there was something about her I liked. “Okay,” I succumb to the chuckle. “Let me hear the script you practiced.”

  “Fuck me,” Axle mumbles taking residence next to me.

  “He’s in between projects, is a fan of Detroit history, especially true history. Your bar has the original bones which he is amped about. He wants his name attached to the restoration and any future restorations you may have. He’s been looking for buildings for a while but they’re either being torn down or there’s so much red tape it gives him Gerd. I should also mention, he is a fan of you, Drew. He thinks you’re quite beautiful and business savvy. His words, not mine.”

  Mitchell Hayes was the guy. He was eccentric, hard to get a hold of, and only worked by referral. Word was, he turned down nearly every offer presented to him, except mine, and it wasn’t even me who asked. Having a total girl moment, I ask, “He thinks I’m beautiful?”

  “Jesus,” Axle mutters and Tiny grins. But it was Carrie who bit her lip and announced, “He’s also my ex-husband.”

  Tiny wasn’t surprised, but Axle was, and I found myself speechless. Regaining my voice, I say, “Where was Mitchell in the line up?”

  “First husband,” she says helpfully. “Smart, innovative but boring. However, we’ve remained on good terms over the years, obviously.”

  “You haven’t been married in the last year, so who was your second husband?” I ask pushing the envelope which was driving Axle insane.

  “Richard Frost,” she hedges and looks at her feet.

  “You were married to a musician?” I wheeze out. “Jesus, Carrie I bet you have some stories.”

  “It didn’t last,” she admits. “He wasn’t famous when I met him, but when he hit it big, I couldn’t handle the life.”

  “Why in the fuck did you even marry me?” Axle demands. “You go from some big shot restoration mogul, to a fucking musician, to me? I had nothing on those guys.”

  “In the beginning, you needed me, Axle.” There was no anger or jealousy behind it, just truth. “But thanks to you no longer needing me, I have Tiny now.”

  “I love her,” he says shrugging his huge shoulders.

  Looking around Axle’s living room, and then down to him holding my hand, I was about to admit that everything worked out as it should, when she spoke again. “When you two get married, I’ll be a bridesmaid.”

  “Uh…” I manage at the thought of marriage and her attendance. “Did you just nominate yourself?”

  “Carrie,” Axle groans in discomfort. “What is with you?”

  “I’ve always been a bride never a bridesmaid. I want to see what the fuss is all about. Plus, I can throw you a shower and bachelorette party! Wait, I need your sisters’ numbers,” she says fishing out a pen and miniature notebook. “I’m sure they’ll want to help and I can delegate, no problem.”

  Biting my lip, I look up at Axle, who was red in the face, and smile. “I can’t tune her out anymore.”

  “Drew,” he warns but there was no heat behind it.

  “I’m sorry, but I’ve always wanted a pet, so I’m keeping her.”

  With his features softening, he whispers in my ear, “Well, she is housebroken. Fine, she can stay on the porch.”

  “I’m a person not a puppy,” she whines never taking her eyes from her notebook. “You two are assholes, and even if you are my boss, Drew, it needed to be said.”

  Laughing hard, I latch onto Axle who holds me up. Winking at Carrie who was being a good sport, I tell her, “I fucking own you. Fetch me the paper?”

  “I gave Mitchell your number, he’s calling you this week. You’re lucky I like you,” she says taking Tiny’s hand.

  Just as they reach the door I simply say, “Thank you.”

  Like I’ve said before, there was truly something about her. Yeah, I liked her. I even liked her enough to keep her in my life long term too, you know as my servant.


  It was deep in my gut threatening to tear me apart from the inside out.

  Guilt over Carrie, no less.

  Not her, personally, but what Drew saw when she looked at her. My ex-wife.

  More than once I gave Drew grief over her life when I wasn’t in it. Choices she’d made and the men she had given her body to. Yet she treats my ex-wife with care and respect. While I’m not forced to deal with her past often, she’s immersed in mine. Not only has she been decent to Carrie, she hasn’t given me any shit about it.

  In this, Drew was better than me. Hell, she treats Carrie better than I fucking did.

  So when I had the unfortunate luck of running into Darius at the coney joint, I saw this as my chance to do the same. Only I was pretty certain this was a test I’d fail. When he struts up to me (Yeah, he fucking strutted) and says, “Two coneys with mustard and fries, well done. Am I right?”

  It took everything I had not to break his strong jaw. Why did she have to have history with this guy? Not only was he insanely rich and good looking, I was also a huge fan. Or rather, used to be. Naturally, I’d never admit this to him or her. I was also betting against him in Fantasy from now on, because fuck him.

  “Don’t you have gold to buy or a reality show to star in?”

  “Man,” he said shaking his well shaven head. “Still haven’t let it go, huh? You know, when it comes down to history you can bury the bad shit or let it bury you.”

  “The fuck do you know about history, Darius?”

  A look of regret flashed in his eyes before hiding it behind his signature million-dollar smile. “I may have had her attention for a time, but I never had her heart. Don’t mistake me, Axle, it wasn’t for lack of trying. Go ahead and ask me when I gave up.”

  Grinding my jaw, I grated out, “When did you give up?”

  “I didn’t,” he said. “But I had to ask myself if I would be content sharing her heart with someone else.”

  “And were you?”

  “Yeah,” he said meeting my eyes. “I was. She’s that special that I’d take what she gave me.”

  Fuck, that was not the answer I was looking for. Grabbing his order when it was called, he slapped me on the shoulder and said, “From day one I knew she was waiting for you.”

  “How? She’s spent the last nine years hating me and I didn’t have the displeasure of meeting you until recently.”

  Heading toward the door, he levels me with a sad smile and said, “She cried your name in her sleep.”

  Life with Drew, as predicted, was far from boring.

  And as we settled into our routine there was only one area where she did not appreciate my input.

  Her safety.

  The woman seemed to think she could kick the world’s ass all on her own.

  Case in point; last week she found me kicking two punk’s asses out back in the alley at Legacy. This was after she warned me to let it go, to choose my battles.

  “You can’t kick every ass in your path, Axle.”

  “Sure I can,” I say wiping the blood from my mouth. Wiry little fucker got a lucky shot in and for his troubles, I was pretty certain I dislocated his jaw. “This is your place, your property, and you can’t just let them off with a warning.”

  “We’re not cops!” she yells pointing at the two unconscious idiots. “I have bigger problems than petty dealers!”

  “Dealers are like rats,” I point out. “Where there is one there are thousands. You have to set a precedence.”

  “I don’t need this shit right now,” she mumbles.

  “That’s my point, Drew. Now they know not to pull that shit here.”

  “No, now they have a target,” she says pinching her nose.

  “So you can swing a ball bat at offenders but I can’t use my fists to protect you?”

  Blinking once, twice, I literally saw the fight leave her and when her face softened she got up on her toes to kiss me.
“Okay,” she says licking her lips. “Let me try something new.” Taking my face in her tiny palms she says, “Thank you, Axle.”

  Loving that she acquiesced in this I ask her, “What are you thanking me for? And be specific.”

  “You are so lucky I love you,” she chuckles and she was right, I was lucky.

  “I’m waiting.”

  “Before I go and make your already massive chest swell up, I feel it prudent to point out what was wrong with that statement. This isn’t my place, it’s ours. And while I like to think I’m capable of taking care of myself all on my own… I like, no, I love, that you take protecting me seriously. So,” she says glancing at the idiots who were still out. “Thank you for protecting our place and – ”

  “Your ass,” I smirk in victory.

  “Yes and my ass too.”

  “Love that ass, Drew.”

  “Mmhmm,” she grins seductively.

  “Love the woman it’s attached to even more.”

  “Before we bang by the dumpsters, you sweet talker, maybe we could have the trash taken out?”

  Kissing her hard, I swat her ass again and growl, “Allow me.”

  “This stash is a pornacopia of awesome,” I whistled as I flip over yet another bargain DVD.

  “Drew,” he said blushing furiously. “Put it away.”

  “Assablanca? Ass Ventura? Shaving Ryan’s Privates? Good Will Humping? The Poonies?” At that one I fell over because I pictured Sloth… Oh fuck, this would never ever get old.

  Ripping his collection from my hands he stuffs them back in the box but the look on his face was priceless. “Are you – ” I asked fighting hysteria. “Are you, embarrassed?”

  “Porn is private,” he grunted adorably.

  “Uh,” I said biting my lip trying not to lose it. “Here in 2016, it’s also…free.”

  “Would you stop fucking laughing?”

  “Let’s watch one,” I said wagging my eye brows and then started making porno soundtrack noises. “We’ll pretend I have a huge bush and you can pretend – ”