Mercy F*uck Page 15
“You own a bar, dipshit,” I laugh loud. “You could get laid every night if you felt like it. Why pay for it?”
“First,” he says with a red face. “The women that come to my place are practically girls and second, I didn’t know she was talent until…after. When she demanded fucking payment.”
“I’ve told you to come get some at my place for years,” I chuckle at the memory. Ricky rarely came into The Hole because he claimed the women there were fucking mean. He’s fortunate I saw this as a compliment.
“Heard your shit got blown up,” he says sadly. “Real sorry about that. But I’ll be out of business if I’m not here to run things and you know it, Drew. I don’t even have a door man right now. Fuck. I don’t need this. It wasn’t even good pussy. If anything, she owed me!”
“Tell you what, go with Axle and square up. Then I’ll send Fudge and Luis to you until I find another spot for him.”
“No shit? Fudge? Hell yeah. Luis too? You’d do that for me?”
“Of course. They’re unemployed at the moment, so do your thing and I’ll send them by, tomorrow at eight. Cool?”
“Fuck. I can’t do time over paying for pussy, Drew.”
“You’re not going to do time,” Axle interrupts. “But you will pay a fuck load of fines, including what your ass owes me. The longer you wait the worse it’ll be.”
“Can I ride with you guys?” he asks hopefully. “Not a fan of cop shops.”
“As if I was trusting you to walk in on your own,” Axle says cuffing him.
“Are the cuffs necessary?” he argues holding giving a pitiful struggle.
“Naw,” Axle winks over at me. “Just makes me look bad ass.”
“Shotgun!” I yell, pushing Ricky out of the way to claim the front seat.
Several hours later he was processed, paid up, and waiting for release. Once that happened we dropped him at his bar and I shared the guy’s numbers with him. When Axle got on the freeway, I asked him where we were going and his answer was, “Shopping.”
Twenty minutes later, I figured it out.
“Woman,” I grunted walking out back to catch her waxing the Impala. “Don’t you ever sit still? You’re supposed to be relaxing.” I swear to God she even worked in her sleep. But I won’t lie, watching her smash her tits all over the hood had my cock hard.
“I haven’t had my hands on her in forever,” she smiled for me. “I missed her.”
Grabbing the rag and tossing it over my shoulder, I gave her the order to, “Lie on your back, Drew.”
“Here?” she said biting her lip.
“And now,” I said helping her up. When she’s flat, I tug her t-shirt down so I can see her tits. Unbuttoning her jeans, I shimmy them down and finally off before bending down.
“You’re going down on me?”
“You got a problem with that?”
“Is the engine a Turbo-Fire V-8?”
Using a finger to slip her thong aside, I give her one lick and relish the moan. “As a matter of fact it is,” I told her.
“Well there you go,” she said arching up beautifully.
Having Drew come on the hood of the car we restored together felt like we’d found a missing puzzle piece.
It takes balls to walk into an adult toy store.
And I am the first to admit it’s intimidating as fuck.
Having no idea what half the shit was, I kept asking her but all she says is, “Buy it, we’ll try it.”
Clearly you don’t walk in, buy a vibrator, and walk out.
Because Drew was holding three, each one bigger than the one before it, and just handed them to the cashier to make sure they worked.
“No returns,” she explains. “You have to test them out here first. It sucks getting home and realizing it doesn’t work and you’re stuck using your hands.”
“I don’t mind using my hands,” I felt that bared repeating.
“But I do,” she says nudging me.
When the first one starts buzzing and twirling, I literally got a hard on.
“This is a fav of mine,” the cashier announces and I lost some of my chub because the woman needed shit like this in her life. My God, she was…awful to look at. “The immobilizer,” she praises. “Can’t walk for hours, am I right?”
“Is she serious?” I ask Drew who fights a laugh.
“Last but not least, big black.”
“You don’t need that one,” I rush out trying to slap it out of her hand.
“Oh yes we do,” Drew says holding it with a firm grip.
“It’s twelve fucking inches,” I argue.
“What the hell are you going to do with a twelve inch—-oh fuck me…I have a visual.”
“I’ll grab you a butt plug,” she says helpfully. “That way we both get – ”
“I think he’s getting peaked,” the cashier says concerned. “His color is gone.”
“He’s fine,” she assures her. “He’s excited is all.”
“Uh huh.”
“Give me the fucking total so we can go,” I grunt wanting out of here.
Tossing cash at her and grabbing the bag, I haul ass home and once we were back inside she asks me, “Are you freaked out right now?”
“No, fine, a little. That’s a big black dick, Drew. You use that, what am I here for?”
“It’s a fake dick,” she says taking it out of the bag and flipping it on. “And it’s for you to use, on me.”
“You couldn’t have got a mini dick?”
Trying not laugh her ass off, we both turn to see Carrie and Tiny walking in unannounced. With a dick buzzing in her hand Carrie nonchalantly says, “I love Cirillia’s Toy Store. Good choice, Drew. I have the same in purple, I call him Barney, get it?”
“This is not fucking happening right now,” I groan to the ceiling. “You don’t live here anymore therefore you knock and what the fuck are you even doing here anyway? Hold up,” I stutter when it hits me. “You have…toys?”
She didn’t even like sex! Well no shit, she had a twelve-inch purple cock to play with!
“Well yeah,” she says quietly.
“Since when?”
“Since always, since you never wanted to – ”
“Carrie?” Drew calls out suddenly.
“It’s weird again.”
“Fucking awkward too,” Tiny mumbles.
“What brings you two by?” Drew asks her.
“Drew,” I say with pleading eyes. “Turn off big black, for the love of Christ.”
“Oh,” she chirps. “My bad.”
Standing there with a black dick in her palm, my ex looking at her like she was wonder woman and Tiny looking at my ex like she was she-Jesus, I was utterly and oddly, content.
As if Carrie and Tiny had a place here, with us.
Fuck me, I was really okay with this…
“The reason for my visit,” she says eyeing Drew. “Is I was wondering if you’d consider hiring me to work at Bennett’s as a server.”
“Do you have experience?”
“Uh no,” she says staring at her feet.
“You’re hired,” she says hoisting that God damn dick into the air like a scythe.
“I am?”
“Tiny will have you meet with the manager, Len. I’ll call him later; tell him you’re coming by to do the paperwork. But Carrie, you suck, you’re fired, got it?”
“Got it!” she squeals grabbing Drew around the waist and lifting her up.
“I’ve got a dick in my hand with my man’s ex nearly dry humping my leg,” she quips. “We’ve passed weird.”
“Babe,” Tiny says gently. “This is fucking uncomfortable, we gotta go.”
“Wait,” I say quickly addressing Carrie. “You don’t like teaching?”
“I’ve never liked it,” she says chewing her lip.
“Then why’d you do it?”
“You said you wanted safe.”
Looking Tin
y square in the eyes, I made it clear, “I wasn’t good to her, do better than me.”
“Axle,” Carrie says stepping between us. “I married you knowing you didn’t love me. I did it knowing I’d never be Drew. Because of you and Drew, I found Tiny. So…thank you.”
“You’re thanking me for being an asshole?”
“I’m thanking you for doing what needed to be done so we could both be happy.”
“And I’m sorry for guilting you into sticking it out with me. I’m sorry for all the nonsense I put you through too.”
“No one is as sorry as I am,” I say quietly. “You didn’t deserve it, Carrie.”
“We good?” Tiny asks taking her by the hand.
“Yeah,” she smiles big and I’ll even admit, beautifully. Now I knew what she looked like happy. “We’re good.”
“Yeah,” I nod. “We’re good.”
When they leave, Drew wraps herself around me and I felt the rubber resting on my lower back.
“Move big black from my back,” I warn her.
“Ooh,” she says sexily. “You want it…lower? Kinky.”
Smacking her ass, she uses her vibrator to taunt me until I backed her into a corner. I won’t lie, it felt good on my ass but that fucking thing still wasn’t getting anywhere near it.
Getting yourself off out of necessity was one thing. Having the man you spent the bulk of your life fantasizing about doing for you took pleasure to the next level. It didn’t hurt that this particular model had enough zing for even the most experienced masturbators, like myself. “This cock has a lot of horsepower,” he says running it between my legs, marveling at my response. When I continued moaning and thrashing, he settles it directly on my clit and I’m certain my eyes rolled back. The look of absolute shock on his face was priceless but I was too busy gearing up to explode to laugh. “Jesus, you’re coming again, aren’t you?”
Screaming, “Fuck yes,” I wasn’t sure if I was coming or seizing and I don’t think he knew either.
After getting past his apprehension of big black, he’s made me come three times in a row.
He was so proud of himself he refused to let me come down. He was also a pro pushing me toward my fourth.
“You’re swollen,” he says in amazement.
“More,” I beg him.
“This thing is amazing,” he says running it over my clit again. Arching up in ecstasy, I grip his shoulders and ride it out. “You want me to fuck you with it?”
“No,” I pant. “I want your cock.”
“Good answer,” he growls taking me to my back. “But we’re keeping it close. I like you swollen.”
Reaching for him to take him in hand, he denies me by pressing my thighs apart and sliding inside.
Every inch of me was loose, allowing him to manipulate me however he saw fit. Pumping into me, he places my heels on his shoulders and goes even deeper. With his arms caging me in while he thrust deep inside me, I held on and simply felt. Listening to the noises our bodies were making had me tightening up to come again. I’ve never come this many times and it was too much, yet not enough. So when Axle pulls out and backs away, my growl of disapproval should have scared him. It didn’t.
I need to step up my game…
Pulling me to the edge by my ankles, he kneels on the floor, puts my legs over his shoulders and buries his face in my pussy. Arching up to watch him eat me, the second he slid his tongue in, I screamed his name. As he continued to lick me from top to bottom I was saying all sorts of shit that made no sense.
When he nibbled on my clit, I honest to God sunk my hands into his hair and nearly ripped it out at the root. “You like that,” he grins. “I wonder what else you like.”
“What has gotten into you?” I wheeze out.
“I’ve got a lot to make up for,” he winks and then stares at my pussy with the most intense look I have ever seen. “Starting with eating your pussy as much as possible. I’m thinking at least three times a day until I catch up.”
His declaration stunned me but it also moved me. From time to time he’d reference the past and how much we missed out on. Not just with sex, but life together. The night I shared with him nine years ago had been amazing, but everything I’d learned through trial and error had come…after Axle.
Where I had gone full throttle fucking every decent looking guy with a dick, Axle had married.
Needless to say, our levels of experience varied, which is why I let him set the pace.
I didn’t want him to ever think that he didn’t have the skills to please me or that he wasn’t enough. Because sex with Axle was off the charts. The moment he walked back into my life, the last nine years of random fucks had been forgotten. Pushing myself up and moving my legs from his shoulders, I pull him to me and cup his face in my hands. Hoping the words made sense and that I didn’t cry when I said them, I whispered, “You don’t have to catch up. It’s not a competition, it’s just us.”
“Fuck yes it is,” he says tightening his grip on my hips. “I want to be the best you’ve ever had, I need that, Drew. I need to erase every motherfucker who came after me too.” Gripping my neck, he locks eyes with me and whispers, “I need to be your everything outside of bed and in it. You’ve got to let me earn that.”
And I’d had enough. He’s pushed me too far and I snapped.
Breaking his hold, I used my foot to push him flat on his ass. “The fuck was that for?” he argues trying to stand. I get where he was coming from. It’s not every day your woman gets kicky and I kicked hard.
“Get in that bed and lie on your back, Axle.”
“Drew – ”
Never taking his eyes from mine, he does as he’s told. Once he was prone, I straddled him and when he was about to speak, I demanded he, “Shut the fuck up and listen.”
Props to Axle for being able to keep quiet because doing so was killing him. Heeding orders was not his way. Giving orders was and most of the time I was cool with it. Until, I wasn’t. Taking his cock in hand, I squeeze it just enough to get his full attention. Resting his hands on my thighs, I enjoy seeing him affected like this. Gently stroking him, I watch his breath quicken and once and for all explain how it’s going to be. “That night with you was and still is the most beautiful experience of my life. What you did for me, how you cared for me… You were perfect. When you asked me if I was sure, I knew that waiting was the right thing to do. I loved you with my whole heart, captain clueless, and being with you was all I ever wanted and I finally thought I had you. Which is why I took those two words so hard. There’s a difference between sex and fucking, Axle. For me sex without feelings was just basic fucking which is what I did. I gave not one shit about any of them and I still don’t. I need you to understand you can’t erase what doesn’t exist because the second I saw you again, the only man that exists for me is you.” Leaning forward and working his cock with one hand while balancing on the other I remind him, “You have always been everything to me and if our time apart proved anything, it’s that I had nothing until you came back.”
With hope in his eyes, he asks, “I please you? You’re not bullshitting me?”
“Yes, you please me,” I smile in truth. “Do I honestly look a woman who isn’t pleased? You just ate my pussy like it was the last supper, JC.”
“I do love your pussy,” he says in that cocky voice I loved. “And I’m still hungry.”
With him hard and ready, I rock back and elevate just enough to tease him with what’s to come. Axle’s cock in my hand, I line up and bite my lip. “Let me ask you something.”
“Whatever it is, fuck yes,” he pants.
“I was going to ask if I please you too, but it seems I have my answer.”
Just as he was about to argue, I spread myself open and sink down onto him with force. Gripping my hips and roaring, “Fuck!” I watched him fight for control and lose. With my palms on his chest and his big hands now on my ass, I work him over
with everything I’ve got. We were both covered in sweat. This was primitive and uninhibited. For every bounce, he smacked my ass. For every roll of my hips, he pinched my nipples. Holding out was perfect torture for me but he needed to stop chasing his release and let it happen. Wearing a savage and territorial expression on his face, I put an end to his torture when I sank down hard, grabbed his balls and whispered, “This is what everything feels like and it’s all yours.” And when he came it was screaming my name in introduction to the neighbors.
“You did something different with your hair,” I said twining it around my fingers. Drew had the softest hair in the world. Naturally curly and rich in color, I loved that she had so much of it. Naturally gorgeous and never needing makeup, she was the only girl I knew that worked in a bar without trying to look like she worked in a bar. “Did you layer it?”
“Yeah,” she said softly. Not one to fish for compliments, Drew also had a hard time accepting them.
“Looks beautiful,” I said releasing the curl. “Then again, it always does.”
“I can’t believe you noticed my hair,” she said as in shock.
“When it comes to you, I notice everything.”
At her gasp of surprise, I watched her face soften and knew I was one step closer to making her mine.
For a woman who never allowed herself to be still, she hadn’t moved in hours.
Considering how she worked me over, I didn’t blame her. Hell, I was still coming to terms with it.
However, Drew asleep on my chest with her hair suffocating me was my kind of perfect.
As far as I was concerned, everything about her was.
She calmed me like no one else could. She put my fears to rest and made me feel like a king at the same time.
Only she could make room in her life for my ex and not make my life a living hell about having an ex.
It’s not that Carrie was a bad person; she just wasn’t my person.
She had problems that needed real attention and I wasn’t the guy that cared enough to help her through it.